Shadow of shadows
Mirrors my window wall
But I am in deeper
Shadow still
Can you see me?
I live in light
But I am
So close to the dark
- by M. Francesca Gentille
In The Temple of Shadows we foray into the ancient pathways, secret societies, and ecstatic rituals that are interwoven into being a practitioner of Sacred BDSM and Dark Eros. The Initiate of The Mysteries knows that the thoughts we bring, the intention, consciousness, & presence we channel are more important than what we do. Consciousness & intention are the foundation of the sacred.
The Temple of Shadows explores the idea that each of us has a shadow, part of us that’s in some way cut off from our day-to-day selves ,but which we can’t get away from, a part that lies behind the face we present to the world. It is thus the hidden self. The secret me. The bit of me I perhaps don’t like accepting. The bit I might be afraid of. Or can’t control. Or simply don’t understand. The Shadow is also the Cave of Treasures, and the Great Below. It holds untapped power & potential.
In these liminal places between who we know are selves to be and what has yet to be revealed, we connect with our deepest souls, our true source energy, the magical connection that flows between us, and the ecstatic states in which we discover The Divine within and without.
The Temple of Shadows, which includes the tools & techniques of Sacred BDSM and Dark Eros, suggests that our most important pathway in life lies in coming to terms with our secret selves - not in denying them, not in running away from them, not in locking them up. Maybe our shadows are not the enemy after all. In which case, how much energy we waste in policing the border between us and our hidden selves - which may not be the enemy after all. How much richer our lives might be, how much better human life might be, if we could make friends and join forces with that which is in shadow.
SACRED BDSM can include:
- Initiation
- Ordeal
- Healing or coming into wholeness, holiness, integration and authenticity
- Transformation & Shadow work
- Trance & vision quest
- Offering & prayer
- Ritual & ceremony
- Invocation- Atonement that brings harmony re-alignment with Spirit
- Moving in and through the energy into release & awakening
- Discovery, uncovery and/or recovery of that which is lost, hidden, suppressed, rejected or denied
- Working with consciousness, energy, sensation, impact, power, & the chakra system to increase vitality, and inner harmony
Mirrors my window wall
But I am in deeper
Shadow still
Can you see me?
I live in light
But I am
So close to the dark
- by M. Francesca Gentille
In The Temple of Shadows we foray into the ancient pathways, secret societies, and ecstatic rituals that are interwoven into being a practitioner of Sacred BDSM and Dark Eros. The Initiate of The Mysteries knows that the thoughts we bring, the intention, consciousness, & presence we channel are more important than what we do. Consciousness & intention are the foundation of the sacred.
The Temple of Shadows explores the idea that each of us has a shadow, part of us that’s in some way cut off from our day-to-day selves ,but which we can’t get away from, a part that lies behind the face we present to the world. It is thus the hidden self. The secret me. The bit of me I perhaps don’t like accepting. The bit I might be afraid of. Or can’t control. Or simply don’t understand. The Shadow is also the Cave of Treasures, and the Great Below. It holds untapped power & potential.
In these liminal places between who we know are selves to be and what has yet to be revealed, we connect with our deepest souls, our true source energy, the magical connection that flows between us, and the ecstatic states in which we discover The Divine within and without.
The Temple of Shadows, which includes the tools & techniques of Sacred BDSM and Dark Eros, suggests that our most important pathway in life lies in coming to terms with our secret selves - not in denying them, not in running away from them, not in locking them up. Maybe our shadows are not the enemy after all. In which case, how much energy we waste in policing the border between us and our hidden selves - which may not be the enemy after all. How much richer our lives might be, how much better human life might be, if we could make friends and join forces with that which is in shadow.
SACRED BDSM can include:
- Initiation
- Ordeal
- Healing or coming into wholeness, holiness, integration and authenticity
- Transformation & Shadow work
- Trance & vision quest
- Offering & prayer
- Ritual & ceremony
- Invocation- Atonement that brings harmony re-alignment with Spirit
- Moving in and through the energy into release & awakening
- Discovery, uncovery and/or recovery of that which is lost, hidden, suppressed, rejected or denied
- Working with consciousness, energy, sensation, impact, power, & the chakra system to increase vitality, and inner harmony